Tuesday, January 8, 2013

oakley frames he can get so many possessions

Goods packaged good self-care to go over to see some gold and silver utensils, of various silk clothes, style varies, obviously marauding come packaged to prepare prewar away. WANG Mao chapter sank his face. , pointing to those belongings he asked: Rubei prefer to give the wealthy Weng it? world undecided now, so indulge in pleasures, how can the war? "Lui Fong was asked a moment beside the high Fengtian was approached replied: "General Wang Mo anger, these possessions are his soldiers, not generals private matter of my home." high Fengtian said here, see Wang Mao chapters all over his face expression of the letter removed from her a booklet to turn to a recursive, Wang Mao chapter: "If the generals do not believe, documented here everyone belongs compartment which, the number of goods, in which the burden from which boats away, handed a people, and so on, the generals see at a glance. "Wang Mao Zhang took the booklet, and she documented his soldiers above name, all their belongings, one to the records in great detail, and commanded to open a load of goods according to the book entry investigation to go, and she pieces is not bad, very informative, and could not help but do not believe, after all, Lui Fong impossible prior to that he will come here, spend a lot of energy to create this booklet to deceive themselves so frowning asked Lui Fong Road: Lu General, you do, soon offensive Hangzhou, but you spend a lot of energy to do such things guiltless Department. "the general said, poor men, satisfy with disabilities the ancients played before, and all the slaughter of cattle, the actors, but morale fills my Moye have since late last year sent troops to WINNERS his soldiers have switched full sweep, I'm afraid the soldiers attended to private money, do not want to fight to the death, he gave the belongings of his soldiers were sent home , the soldiers were to no longer have to worry about the next thought that this is to send troops before the most important thing. "of Wang Mao chapter amused looked reading books also bear on the property, asked, pointing to the name on the books : "Do you see this man, under the name of the property will have ten green silk, gold and silver utensils set, add up I'm afraid no less than 80 consistently, you're not afraid he had so many belongings, spare their lives, no longer fight to the death of Lui Fong nor Look books: "those property has always been his hard-earned, he is naturally, I can not take him nothing, Moye are, without allowing privateer to property by all put to death, was sent out to the search slightly active officers and men, he can get so many possessions, no small will certainly meritorious January to send troops, but four months of effort, we earn eighty penetration, the world is there anything so cheap trading If that guy is a fool, how could not stay here, Moreover, he has made so much money, will marry gossips, raw some son of him as a deserter, his wife and children and how to run home? "Wang Mao Chapter would like to thought, the hands of a book back side of Mukden, said: ", I also do not know you said there is not, but still hear some wrong flavor,oakley frames, Well, going into the soldiers talk about the troops into strategies? "When he finished to take the lead into the Shuaizhang in multitudes of this revenue, actually spent five hour, until Jin Wuxi, the rabbit soaring, Wang Mao chapter to just out of the account, even Lui Fong retain with dinner rejected, just before the Walled in front, suddenly to Lui Fong Road: "Lu general ability and insight outstanding back, if bent victim to the phase is also at your fingertips. any of look out for themselves, look out for themselves." Lu

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